Debug Mode

LEGO Island contains a debug mode which can be enabled by typing ogel (LEGO backwards) in at any time during gameplay. After that, pressing certain keys will perform certain actions.

The following table has been taken from the LEGO Island article on The Cutting Room Floor:

Key Action
A Plays the diving cutscene from the Information Center elevator.
C + 00 - 69 Momentarily displays a scene; for instance, C and 0 will show the race track.
D Temporarily lowers viewpoint.
F Switches model quality to low.
G + 1-5 Skip to part of the Brickster quest:
  • 1: Spawns skateboard somewhere (only works after the Brickster escapes the jail).
    Collecting the skateboard too late crashes the game, as does enabling it before Brickster escapes.
    However, if you get the skateboard, you can pass through walls. Pressing J and K tilts the camera along the X-axis,
    while I and M tilts the camera along the Y-axis.
  • 2: Brickster escape.
  • 3: Helicopter mission.
  • 4: Good ending.
  • 5: Bad ending.
H Switches model quality to high.
L + 0 or 1 Changes lighting based on current camera orientation.
N Locks camera at the current position, though it's still possible to move around. Press again to return to normal.
P Makes scenery objects (trees, flowers, etc.) disappear.
S Stops music; press again and change scenes to re-enable.
U Temporarily raises viewpoint.
V + A Automatically warps to and plays each of the random mini-cutscenes in a pre-defined order.
X Switches model quality to normal.
Tab Shows the game's frame rate.
Numpad / Causes clicks on scenery objects to destroy them. Note that this will persist in the save file it's used on
and can cause the game to crash when trying to load the affected area.