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LEGO Island uses the Windows Registry to store most of its configuration data. The following is a reference of all of its registry entries:

All data stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mindscape\LEGO Island (32-bit) or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Mindscape\LEGO Island (64-bit).

Name Description
3D Device ID The ID of the Direct3D device to use. Best set by LEGO Island's configuration.
3D Device Name The name/type of the Direct3D device to use. Usually "Direct3D HAL", "Ramp Emulation, etc. Best set by LEGO Island's configuration.
3DSound "YES" to use DirectSound's 3D sound, "NO" to disable it.
Back Buffers in Video RAM "YES" to use DirectSound's 3D sound, "NO" to disable it.
cdpath Secondary path to search for LEGO Island SI files. Set to the directory LEGO Island was installed from by the installer.
diskpath Primary path to search for LEGO Island SI files. Set to the directory LEGO Island was installed to by the installer.
Display Bit Depth "8" or 256-color, "16" for high/16-bit color
Draw Cursor "YES" to draw a software cursor on screen, "NO" to disable it.
Flip Surfaces "YES" or "NO", corresponds to the LEGO Island configuration's "Flip Video Memory Pages" setting.
Full Screen Hidden setting inaccessible through Lego Island configuration. "YES" to run full screen, "NO" to run windowed.
Island Quality "1" or "2" corresponding to the LEGO Island configuration's "Island Model Quality" setting ("Fast" and "High" respectively).
Island Texture "1" or "2" corresponding to the LEGO Island configuration's "Island Texture Quality" setting ("Fast" and "High" respectively).
JoystickIndex Unknown, but most likely set to an integer ID of the joystick device to use. "-1" if no joystick is set.
Music "YES" to enable music, "NO" to disable it.
savepath The directory to save LEGO Island's save data to.
UseJoystick "YES" to enable joystick usage, "NO" to disable it.
Wide View Angle Unknown. Changing to "YES" or "NO" doesn't appear to make a difference.